

ddps.py only works with the ascii output format!

Command line options

Usage: ddps.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DIR, --dir=DIR     dd_time result directory default=results
  --log10mtot=FLOAT     Remove all spectra with log10(mtot) below threshold
                        for filter-enabled plots
  --log10mtotn=FLOAT    Remove all spectra with log10(mtotn) below threshold
                        for filter-enabled plots
  --statistics          Compute statistics of stats
  --plot_specs          Plot specs
  --plot_reg_strengths  Plot regularization strengths
  --range=SPEC_RANGES   Pixel range(s) to plot. Separate by ';' and start with
                        1. For example: "1;2;4;5". Also allowed are ranges:
                        "2-10", and open ranges: "5-" (default: -1 (all))
  --plot_to_grid        Plot results to grid
  --elem=ELEM_FILE      elem.dat file (default: elem.dat)
  --elec=ELEC_FILE      elec.dat file (default: elec.dat)
                        Min value for tau_peak1
                        Max value for tau_peak1
                        Min value for tau_mean
                        Max value for tau_mean
                        Min value for tau_50
                        Max value for tau_50
  --rho0_min=RHO0_MIN   Min value for rho0
  --rho0_max=RHO0_MAX   Max value for rho0
                        Min value for sigma0
                        Max value for sigma0
                        Min value for m_tot_n
                        Max value for m_tot_n
                        Min value for m_tot
                        Max value for m_tot
                        Min value for U_tau
                        Max value for U_tau
  --filter              Apply filters and save to new directory
  --maskfile=FILE       Mask file for filtering: discard all other pixels
                        (start at 0)
  --nr_cpus=NR          Output directory
  -o DIR, --output=DIR  Output directory (default: filtered_results)
  --output_format=TYPE  Output format (ascii, ascii_audit)