
ccd_single is used to fit one or multiple SIP spectra using the Debye (or Cole-Cole) decomposition scheme. No smoothing regularization between the spectra is applied.

Command line options

INFO:root:Cole-Cole decomposition, no time regularization
Usage: ccd_single [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d FILE, --data_file=FILE
                        data file (default: data.dat)
  --fmax=FLOAT          Ignore frequencies above this value (default: None)
  --fmin=FLOAT          Ignore frequencies below this value (default: None)
  --data_format=FORMAT  Input data format, possible values are: rmag_rpha,
                        lnrmag_rpha, log10rmag_rpha, rmag_rpha,  rre_rim
                        rre_rmim, cmag_cpha, cre_cim, cre_cmim. "r" stands for
                        resistance/resistivity, and "c" stands for
                        conductance/conductivity (default: rmag_rpha)
                        Data weighting scheme to use. (default: re_vs_im)
  --lambda=INT          Use a fixed lambda (integer) (default: None)
  -f FILE, --frequency_file=FILE
                        Frequency file (default: frequencies.dat)
  --ignore=STRING       Frequency ids to ignore, example:12,13,14. Starts with
                        index 0. (default: None)
  --max_it=INT          Maximum number of iterations (default: 20)
  --norm=FLOAT          Normalize lowest frequency real part to this value
                        (default: None)
  -c INT, --nr_cores=INT
                        Numer of CPU cores to use (default: 1)
  -n INT, --nr_terms=INT
                        Number of polarization terms per frequency decade
                        (default: 20)
  -o DIR, --output=DIR  Output directory (default: results)
                        Output format(ascii| ascii_audit) (default:
  -i, --plot_its        Plot spectra of each iteration (default: False)
  --plot_lcurve=INT     Plot the l-curve for a selected iteration. WARNING:
                        This only plots the l-curve and does not use it in the
                        inversion process. Use -1 for last iteration.
                        (default: None)
  --plot_reg_strength   Plot regularization strengths of final iterations
                        (default: False)
  -p, --plot            Plot final iterations (default: False)
  --silent              Do not plot any logs to STDOUT (default: False)
  --tausel=STRATEGY     Tau selection strategy: data: Use data frequency
                        limits for tau selection data_ext (default): Extend
                        tau ranges by one frequency decade compared to the
                        'data' strategy. Factors can be set for the low and
                        high frequency by separating with a ',': LEFT,RIGHT,
                        e.g. '10,100' (default: data_ext)
  --tmp                 Create the output in a temporary directory and later
                        move it later to its destination (default: False)
  -v, --version         Print version information (default: False)

Usage Examples


Beware of the chargeability distribution at the frequency edges: Here the distribution is often dominated by the starting model due to low sensitivities. However it is advisable to add one frequency decade in \tau values to the edges.