Profiling and Debugging

Things go wrong. If something goes wrong with memory usage, use the memory_profiler module (

pip install memory_profiler

At least in there is a commented import line:

import memory_profiler

Just add the decorator @profile in front of any function to get a line-by-line memory usage profile printed to STDOUT.

To profile the memory increase between subsequent spectra in, add the decorator to the fit_one_spectrum function:

def fit_one_spectrum(opts):

Then run the command as usual, but redirect the output to a logfile: [OPTIONS] | tee logfile

Then grep for specific calls:

grep "run_inversion" logfile
206     51.9 MiB      3.5 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     54.9 MiB      2.9 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.0 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.1 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.1 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.2 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.2 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.3 MiB      0.0 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.4 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()
206     55.4 MiB      0.1 MiB       ND.run_inversion()

As a side note, it would be nice to get pycallgraph to run:

Sidenote: We could also use Travis ( von continous integration.

Debugging notes

Random collection of notes:

  • We have to save all inputs from the dicts in order to recreate an inversion (we need to reconstruct the whole inversion object for that). Therefore we should simplify the various dicts involved.

  • For each iteration we want:

  • Sensitivities

  • Resolution matrix (covariance matrix)

  • Cumulative sensitivities

  • Data covariance matrix

  • Model covariance matrix