# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Copyright 2014-2017 Maximilian Weigand
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import numpy as np
from nose.tools import *
[docs]class tcolors:
# see http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033]94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
GRAY = '\033[37m'
# some files got renamed during refactoring
# this dict collects the various names for those files
equivalent_rms_files = {
'both_no_err': ['rms_both_no_err.dat', 'rms_all_noerr.dat'],
're_no_err': ['rms_part1_no_err.dat', 'rms_real_parts_noerr.dat'],
'im_no_err': ['rms_part2_no_err.dat', 'rms_imag_parts_noerr.dat'],
'both_err': ['rms_both_err.dat', 'rms_all_error.dat'],
're_err': ['rms_part1_err.dat', 'rms_real_parts_error.dat'],
'im_err': ['rms_part2_err.dat', 'rms_imag_parts_error.dat']
[docs]def t_rms_pos_change(old_result, new_result, allowed_percentage):
Test for positive rms changes
old_result: dd directory containing the old run
new_rusult: dd directory containing the new run
allowed_percentage: percentage threshold for positive changes.
If this variable is a list of length three the
values will be treated as rms, rms_re, rms_im
rms_files = ('rms_both_err.dat', 'rms_both_no_err.dat', 'rms_part1_err.dat',
'rms_part1_no_err.dat', 'rms_part2_err.dat',
for rms_key, rms_files in equivalent_rms_files.items():
print('Testing key {0}'.format(rms_key))
base_old = old_result + os.sep + 'results/stats_and_rms/'
filename_old = [base_old + x for x in rms_files if
os.path.isfile(base_old + x)]
if filename_old:
rms_old_result = np.atleast_1d(np.loadtxt(filename_old[0]))
raise IOError('No RMS file found for old RMS (key {0}) {1}'.format(
rms_key, base_old))
base_new = new_result + os.sep + 'stats_and_rms/'
filename_new = [base_new + x for x in rms_files if
os.path.isfile(base_new + x)]
if filename_new:
rms_new_result = np.atleast_1d(np.loadtxt(filename_new[0]))
raise IOError(
'No RMS file found for new RMS (key {0}) {1} {2}'.format(
rms_key, base_new, os.getcwd()))
for spec_id in range(0, rms_old_result.size):
print('Spectrum {0}'.format(spec_id + 1))
[docs]def single_t_rms_pos_change(rms_old_result, rms_new_result,
Process one spectrum as described in the documentation of t_rms_pos_change
rms_old_result : list/array with 3 entries containing the RMS-values from
the last recorded dd fit: Overall RMS, Real part RMS,
Imaginary part RMS
rms_new_result : list/array with 3 entries containing the RMS-values from
the test dd fit: Overall RMS, Real part RMS,
Imaginary part RMS
allowed_percentage : one percentage value for the allowed change
between old and new result.
rms_within_limit : list with 3 bool entries; True for values within the
allow percentage change, False for a larger deviation
rms_change = (rms_new_result - rms_old_result) / rms_old_result * 100
# a positive change always indicates that rms_new was smaller than old
line_color = None
if(rms_change > 0 and rms_change > allowed_percentage):
line_color = (tcolors.FAIL)
change = False
elif(rms_change < 0):
line_color = (tcolors.OKGREEN)
change = True
line_color = (tcolors.GRAY)
change = True
print('{0} percentage change: {1:.5} % (from {2} to {3}) {4}\n'
.format(line_color, rms_change, rms_old_result,
rms_new_result, tcolors.ENDC))
return change
[docs]def assert_single_t_rms_pos_change(rms_old_result, rms_new_result,
Wrap assertTrue statements around the function
change = single_t_rms_pos_change(rms_old_result, rms_new_result,
# raise errors for too large values
assert_true(change, True)