Source code for lib_dd.starting_parameters
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import lib_dd.base_class as base_class
[docs]class starting_parameters(object):
[docs] def estimate_starting_parameters_3(self, re, mim):
estimator = base_class.starting_pars_3(
re, mim, self.frequencies, self.tau
parameters = estimator.estimate(self)
return parameters
[docs] def estimate_starting_parameters_2(self, re, mim):
Try to find good starting parameters using a Gaussian m-distribution.
This should only work well if we have only one peak in the data
rho0 = np.sqrt(re[0] ** 2 + mim[0] ** 2)
# start playing with gaussians distributions
pol_maximum = np.argmax(mim)
f_max = self.frequencies[pol_maximum]
tau_max = 1 / (2 * np.pi * f_max)
s_max = np.log10(tau_max)
m = stats.norm.pdf(self.s, s_max, 1)
# normalize
m /= np.sum(m)
pars_linear = np.hstack((rho0, m))
parameters = self.convert_parameters(pars_linear)
return parameters
[docs] def estimate_starting_parameters_1(self, re, mim):
Heuristic 1 to generate a suitable starting distribution for a fit
TODO: Florsch et al. 2014 has a name for this kind of heuristic...
parameters = np.zeros((self.s.shape[0] + 1))
pars = np.zeros(parameters.shape)
# rho0
parameters[0] = np.sqrt(re[0] ** 2 + mim[0] ** 2)
# generate test chargeabilities m_i
test_m = np.logspace(-12, 0, 20)
best = 0
best_diff = None
for nr, i in enumerate(test_m):
pars[0] = parameters[0]
pars[1:] = i
pars = self.convert_parameters(pars)
tre_tmim = self.forward(pars)
tre = tre_tmim[:, 0]
tmim = tre_tmim[:, 1]
diff_im = np.sum(np.abs(tmim - mim))
if(best_diff is None or best_diff > diff_im):
best_diff = diff_im
best = nr
if('DD_DEBUG_STARTING_PARS' in os.environ and
os.environ['DD_DEBUG_STARTING_PARS'] == '1'):
# enable debug plots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(5, 4))
fig.suptitle('test m: {0} - diff\_im: {1}'.format(
i, diff_im))
ax = axes[0]
ax.semilogx(self.frequencies, re, '.-', color='k')
ax.semilogx(self.frequencies, tre, '.-', color='gray')
ax.set_xlabel('f (Hz)')
ax = axes[1]
ax.semilogx(self.frequencies, mim, '.-', color='k')
ax.semilogx(self.frequencies, tmim, '.-', color='gray')
ax.set_xlabel('f (Hz)')
filename = 'starting_model_{0}.png'.format(nr)
fig.savefig(filename, dpi=150)
parameters[1:] = test_m[best]
parameters = self.convert_parameters(parameters)
return parameters
[docs] def estimate_starting_parameters(self, spectrum):
re = spectrum[:, 0]
mim = spectrum[:, 1]
# the starting model can be set via the environment variable
starting_model = int(os.environ.get('DD_STARTING_MODEL', 3))
if(starting_model == 1):
# find good flat starting paramaters
parameters = self.estimate_starting_parameters_1(re, mim)
elif(starting_model == 2):
# find normally distributed starting parameters
parameters = self.estimate_starting_parameters_2(re, mim)
elif(starting_model == 3):
# frequency bin wise
parameters = self.estimate_starting_parameters_3(re, mim)
raise Exception(
'starting model heuristic number {} not known!'.format(
return parameters