""" Template class for models
import numpy as np
import lib_dd.base_class as base_class
import NDimInv.model_template as mt
import lib_dd.starting_parameters as starting_parameters
import lib_dd.plot_stats as plot_stats
print('This module is deprecated and not used any more!!!!')
[docs]class dd_conductivity(
base_class.integrated_parameters, # base_class.dd_resistivity_skeleton
def __init__(self, settings):
self.data_format = 'cre_cim'
self.D_base_dims = None
# required_keys = ('Nd', 'tausel', 'frequencies', 'c')
required_keys = ('Nd', 'tausel', 'frequencies', )
for key in required_keys:
if key not in settings:
raise Exception('required key not found: {0}'.format(key))
self.frequencies = settings['frequencies']
[docs] def set_settings(self, settings):
Set the settings and call necessary functions
self.settings = settings
# extract some variables
self.frequencies = self.settings['frequencies']
self.omega = 2.0 * np.pi * self.frequencies
# set min/max tau values corresponding to data limits
self.tau_data_min = 1 / (2 * np.pi * self.frequencies.max())
self.tau_data_max = 1 / (2 * np.pi * self.frequencies.min())
self.tau, self.s, self.tau_f_values = base_class.determine_tau_range(
[docs] def convert_parameters(self, pars):
"""Convert from linear to the actually used scale
return np.log10(pars.copy())
[docs] def convert_pars_back(self, pars):
"""Convert from log10 to linear
return 10**pars.copy()
[docs] def forward(self, pars):
"""Return the forward response in base dimensions
pars: [log10(sigma_infty), log10(m_i)]
response: Nx2 array, first axis denotes frequencies, seconds real and
imaginary parts
# pars = log10(sigma_0), log10(m_i)
# sigma0 = 10**pars[0]
m = 10**pars[1:]
nan_indices = np.where(np.isnan(m))
m[nan_indices] = 0
# mtot = np.sum(m)
# sigmai = sigma0 / (1 - mtot)
sigmai = 10**pars[0]
relterms = np.array([mi / (1 + 1j * self.omega * taui) for
mi, taui in zip(m, self.tau)])
response_complex = sigmai * (1 - np.sum(relterms, axis=0))
response = np.vstack((np.real(response_complex),
return response
def forward_re_mim(self, pars):
response = self.forward(pars)
return response[0, :], response[1, :]
[docs] def Jacobian(self, pars):
r"""Return the Jacobian corresponding to the forward response. The
Jacobian has the dimensions :math:`B \times D \times M`
TODO: Check the return dimensions
# sigma0 = 10**pars[0]
m = 10**pars[1:]
# mtot = np.sum(m)
# sigmai = sigma0 / (1 - mtot)
sigmai = 10**pars[0]
# compute 1 / (1 + omega^2 tau^2)
relterms = np.zeros((self.tau.size, self.omega.size))
for nr1, omega in enumerate(self.omega):
for nr2, tau in enumerate(self.tau):
relterms[nr2, nr1] = 1.0 / (1.0 + omega**2 * tau**2)
# relterms2 = np.array([1 / (1 + self.omega**2 * taui**2) for
# mi, taui in zip(m, self.tau)])
del_cre_dsigi = np.zeros(self.omega.size)
for nr, omega in enumerate(self.omega):
for nr2, mi in enumerate(m):
taui = self.tau[nr2]
del_cre_dsigi[nr] += (mi / (1 + omega**2 * taui**2))
del_cre_dsigi = 1 - del_cre_dsigi
# del_cre_dsigi = (1 - np.sum(m[:, np.newaxis] * relterms, axis=0))
del_cre_dsigi *= sigmai
del_cre_dmi = - sigmai * relterms
del_cre_dmi *= m[:, np.newaxis]
# omegatau = np.array([omega * taui for mi, taui in zip(m, self.tau)])
# omegatau = self.omega[np.newaxis, :] * self.tau[:, np.newaxis]
# del_cim_dsigi1 = np.sum(omegatau * m[:, np.newaxis] * relterms,
# axis=0)
del_cim_dsigi = np.zeros(self.omega.size)
for mi, taui in zip(m, self.tau):
del_cim_dsigi += (mi * self.omega * taui) / (
1 + self.omega**2 * taui**2)
del_cim_dsigi *= sigmai
# del_cim_dmi1 = sigmai * omegatau / relterms
del_cim_dmi = np.zeros((self.tau.size, self.omega.size))
for nr1, omega in enumerate(self.omega):
for nr2, taui in enumerate(self.tau):
mi = m[nr2]
del_cim_dmi[nr2, nr1] = sigmai * omega * taui / (
1 + omega**2 * taui**2)
del_cim_dmi *= m[:, np.newaxis]
J_re = np.vstack((del_cre_dsigi[np.newaxis, :],
J_im = np.vstack((del_cim_dsigi[np.newaxis, :],
J = np.vstack((J_re, J_im))
J *= np.log(10)
return J
[docs] def get_data_base_size(self):
"""Usually you do not need to modify this.
size = sum([x[1][1] for x in
return size
[docs] def get_data_base_dimensions(self):
Return a dict with a description of the data base dimensions. In this
case we have frequencies and re/im data
D_base_dims = {0: ['frequency', self.frequencies.size],
1: ['cre_cmim', 2]
return D_base_dims
[docs] def get_model_base_dimensions(self):
"""Return a dict with a description of the model base dimensions. In
this case we have one dimension: the DD parameters (rho0, mi) where m_i
denotes all chargeability values corresponding to the relaxation times.
M_base_dims = {0: ['sigi_mi', self.tau.size + 1]}
return M_base_dims
[docs] def compute_par_stats(self, pars):
r"""For a given parameter set (i.e. a fit result), compute relevant
statistical values such as :math:`m_{tot}`, :math:`m_{tot}^n`,
:math:`\tau_{50}`, :math:`\tau_{mean}`, :math:`\tau_{peak}`
This is the way to compute any secondary results based on the fit
Store in self.stat_pars = dict()
base_class.integrated_parameters.compute_par_stats(self, pars)
# self.stat_pars = {}
# the statistical parameters as computed above relate to the
# resistivity formulation. We must correct some of them and add a few
# parameters.
self.stat_pars['sigma_infty'] = self.stat_pars['rho0'].copy()
def sigma0_linear(pars, tau, s, stat_pars):
r"""Compute :math:`sigma0` using math:`\sigma_\infty` and
.. math::
\sigma_0 = \sigma_\infty \cdot (1 - m_{tot})
sigma0 = 10 ** stat_pars['sigma_infty'] *\
(1 - 10 ** stat_pars['m_tot'])
return sigma0
def sigma0(pars, tau, s, stat_pars):
return np.log10(sigma0_linear(pars, tau, s, stat_pars))
self.stat_pars['sigma0'] = sigma0(pars, self.tau, self.s,
# rho0 is stored in log10, change sign for 1/rho0
self.stat_pars['rho0'] = self.stat_pars['sigma0'] * -1
def mtotn(pars, tau, s, stat_pars):
Compute the conductivity mtotn:
.. math::
m_{tot}^n = \frac{m_{tot}}{\sigma_0}
mtotn = stat_pars['m_tot'] - stat_pars['rho0']
return mtotn
self.stat_pars['m_tot_n'] = mtotn(pars, self.tau, self.s,
return self.stat_pars